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The Secret Hideout Staff

Dyana Rain - (Co-Owner & Event Manager)​​
"I'm a full time blogger since 2011. I appreciate everything that can be soft and sensible. I'm a student forever. Limitless creative. Uncontrollable lover of samba, mpb, jazz and rock. Sensible to social causes and minority denfender."


Luna Morineaux - (Co-Founder)​

​"I like Asiatic culture since I started playing SL, and since I'm a blogger I try to blog this kind of style. Me, as a person am a little bit shy and I end up being introvert as well. I try to be friendly with the person I care here and things I care too, as my blogger, my sponsors and everything I developed till here."

BelinhÉ‘ AquilÉ‘ - (Co-Founder)​

​"That's my name, I have a child's heart and a dreamy soul. I think every girl is a princess, not by their expensive clothes or jewelry, but their attitudes towards different situations. So, I try to behave like a princess."


Crystalin Clayton - (Blogger Manager)​

"Hi! You can call me Katt. I have been here in SL since 2005. Almost 12 years now. I have been 'blogging' since 2010. Maybe even before that, but then I had no idea of the term 'blogging'. I was just making outfits and sharing them with people who enjoyed them! It has always been the most fun part of SL for me. I have only been managing bloggers for a year or so now, but I love it just as much - if not more. I am very shy so managing has been a challenge for me, but it has honestly helped become a better and stronger person.- I love helping and being part of something bigger than myself. ♥"​

The Secret Hideout est. 2017

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